Online Dental Implant Course

Module 1:

Patient Selection and Treatment planning for dental implants

Module 2:

Introduction, components of dental implants and fundamental of  Osseointegration

Module 3:

Evaluation of implant site characteristic and considerations Radiographic techniques for implant planning

Module 4:

Atraumatic extraction and socket preservation

Module 5:

Oral Anatomy relevant to dental implants

Module 6:

Aseptic Technique and Principles of implant surgery

Module 7:

Flap design, tissue management, and suturing techniques

Module 8:

Implant impression techniques, materials and implant supported prosthesis

Module 9:

Consent and record keeping in relation to implants

Module 10:

Implant Ethical sales and communication

Module 11:

Complications, prevention and Management of peri-implant Diseases

Module 12:

Maintenance and Long-term Care for dental implants



Implants with Dr. Monika

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